Renewable Energy for everyone for a clean, green future

Cost-effective Renewable Energy for a clean, green future, is available for everyone now!!

Using industry-leading cost analysis tools, we produce order-of-magnitude costs for rapid concept screening, or drill down into conceptual details by taking into account industry norms, up-to-date equipment costs and projected future developing technology costs. Our comprehensive database of renewable energy equipment costs, installation and O&M vessel costs and proprietary equipment-sizing algorithms, enable us to help you make the right decision for harnessing your unique ocean energy resources to supply your growing energy needs. Our cost estimates are based on reliable models, robust norms and projections.

Innovative Field Development Solutions

Photos courtesy SIMEC Atlantis Energy plc

Interfacing across disciplines

The many different disciplines involved in renewable energy project developments mean that it is not easy to assess the level of detail required, or quickly sift concepts down to a manageable number, or manage the risks associated with each stage in the development planning process.

We can talk to your experts because of our own range of expertise. We bring the same approach, procedures and core engineering skills to bear on every project, but we also apply our broad regional expertise as required – to cater for facility elements that characterise more mature O&G markets, for example, or, when tackling deepwater developments in challenging locations. Take advantage of our combined skills and experience to build an optimised renewable energy development plan quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.